Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Really Odd Experience Today

I had a really weird experience today. I don't know how to describe it without just telling it so here goes:

I worked today finishing around 4pm. I stopped by the convenience store to fill up my car with gas and get a drink for the ride home. When I approached the counter, I had a strange feeling come over me. I felt sort of....not dizzy...hmm.....sort of out of balance. I felt like I was there but it was as if I was watching a re-run, like I had experienced it before. The cashier rang up my drink and as he went to hand me my change he dropped it. When he bent to pick it up I already knew what was about to happen, but it would have seemed awkward to say anything so I just watched as he slammed his own forehead in to the counter as he bent down and knocked himself out cold. The girl that worked there ran to the back (as i knew she was about to do) and came back with a cold wash cloth, placing it on his head. The other employee at the counter dialed 911 and told them what happened.
I knew the rest already (because as I said, this has already happened in my memory) so I knew he was OK and would wake up and be sitting up when help arrived so I just left and went on home. Now I am realizing I left my change. This is bothering me because last time I stayed and when he sat up he asked another employee to hand me my change.
Have I thrown fate a curve ball here? Only time will tell.....................