Monday, June 04, 2007

Results for the Week

MTT's: 16
Average Buy-In: $5.33
In The Money: 6 or 40%
Profit: $116.52
Average/100 30
Average Entrants: 228
Final Tables: 6

I'm most satisfied with the fact that every time I made the money I also made the final table. This indicates to me that I'm playing fairly optimal poker. When I began playing, like many others I leaned severely to one side of the scale. My wallet is thankful that it was the tight side. I have made adjustments to bring me more to the center and I have definitely experimented with a much more aggressive style than I currently employ the majority of the time. Of course table conditions affect where I am on a given hand, but I still lean more to the patient side of the scale.
I don't expect to maintain the percentages I currently have over the long haul, but it's a great start. I really expect to level out somewhere between 15 and 25%. I want to get a sample of probably 100 MTT's before making any major adjustments in my game. Thanks to everyone who has watched some of my tournaments and given me support. Special thanks especially to PokerEnthusiast who has watched probably half or more of these tournaments and given me his honest opinion when he saw me mis-step here and there. It's all about the journey, right folks?

I managed to win a token tonight so I will be playing The Hoy tonight. It looks to be a pretty good turnout. I haven't played this tourney often and I've only won it once which was while Hoy was on vacation and didn't even play. Hope to see you there.

Good luck on the tables this week everyone and especially you bloggers that are on their way to Vegas!!!